

We nagged our parents so bad for toys they decided to create an online shop for us so that we can learn the ins and outs as we grow and become self-reliant rather than merely asking for things. So here we are at the cross-roads and we hope you enjoy what we select as products to keep inhouse for sale to the public. This is a journey but one we are determined to prove to our parents that we can embark on. Enjoy FULU!!

A Few Words About Us

How We Do It

Although, for now, we solicit the cheap labor of our parents to do it for us, we must confess that it is not easy running an online store when you have varying audiences to try to cater for both their needs and delivery times. However, we had to rise to that occasion putting in the extra effort to go the extra mile and that is what we have done with FULU SHOP as it is your one place stopover where you can from time to time look for a few clearance stuff and high quality trending and kool shopping items. Since, we hold these particular goods in-house making delivery times far shorter we shall over time do our very best to stock pile a wider selection of items for customers. That being said, if you do not mind a little wait time for that rare or cheaper item that you have in mind to buy, then why not pop over to our International storefront at https://lusquan.com as there we cater for a far broader range of items. In the meantime simply browse through what we have here and if anything catches your fancy just go for it and have fun shopping online!

A Few Words About

Our Team

We use a remote management team courtesy of Lusquan B.V.

Europe Only Shipping

We ship only to mainland European Locations

Best Quality

We do our best to source from the finest manufacturers globally

Best Offers

From time to time we do sweep clearnaces

Secure Payments

All transactions are done through secure payment gateways

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